2024 schrieb Albrecht Ziepert für das Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck ein Electronik-Barock-Musiktheater nach der Semi-Oper The Fairy Queen von Henry Purcell.
In dieser spartenübergreifenden Bearbeitung von Henry Purcells Semi-Oper aus dem Jahre 1692 überschlagen sich – frei nach dem Shakespeare’schen Original – die Ereignisse und Liebschaften. Regisseurin, Choreografin und Bühnenbildnerin Mirella Weingarten stellt mit den Ensembles aus Musiktheater, Schauspiel, Tanz, dem Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck und einer Akrobatin einen philosophisch-sinnenfrohen Sommernachtstraum auf die Bühne des Landestheaters. In der musikalischen Bearbeitung von Albrecht Ziepert trifft Barockmusik auf moderne elektronische Klänge, Märchenwald auf Realität.
Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck
Philipp von Steinaecker
Albrecht Ziepert
Tiroler Landestheater
Freude am Tanzen released a Compilation called “REMINISCENCE OF 2013–2018” with our Track Dawka. Check Out: www.freude-am-tanzen.com/fat-zig-024
Atmospheric music for the senses – a world full of sound
The project name of the sound collective is not connected to the debut album of Sven Väth, because Jena in Thuringia has its own ‘paradise’, a huge park in the middle of the city called Paradies. Right here in 2008, No Accident In Paradise played for the first time in form of an ambient live session, coupled with moving images. A stroke of luck, yet still it’s more than just an ‘accident in paradise’.
The culture of relaxation is in modern excursion behavior an almost forgotten refuge. The formerly loved intoxicating chill-out floors, the soul salvations of every house and techno party are lost in the 90’s. Although still, ‘brain dance’ is as well as pure bodily enthusiasm a human dynamic that let us experience music in a sensual way. After the rave party is over, one is searching for a special place of sonic relaxation. That in a nutshell is what No Accident In Paradise does. They build acoustic rooms that make one belief these can be touched.
The extraordinary about No Accident In Paradise is their live arranged and improvised balance between electronic and acoustic sounds, coupled with tone fragments and sound snippets that have a direct relation to the performance venues.
No Accident in Paradise are Stachy [micro:form], Albrecht Ziepert (Pentatones) and Inannia. For very special occasions the visual artist Robert Seidel and his ‘living paintings’ accompany them.
2014 appears their first album „Asymetria“ complemented by a rework from Birds Two Cage (Daniel Stefanik & Juno6), released on Freude am Tanzen. Listening to No Accident In Paradise means either a holiday from life, or life long holiday.
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No Accident In Paradise are:
Stachy [micro:form]
Albrecht Ziepert
Dawka (Freude am Tanzen Rec)
Asymetria Remiksy II
(Freude am Tanzen Rec)
Asymetria Remiksy I
(Freude am Tanzen Rec)
(Freude am Tanzen Rec)
Schornstein Milchreis
(Freude am Tanzen Rec)
Kmos (Freude am Tanzen Rec)
Exit9 (Freude am Tanzen Rec)
ICE (Silent Season)
Pentatones is a music collective from Berlin, Amsterdam and Leipzig. The Band emerged from the fertile grounds tilled by the artistic scene around Jena-based label Freude am Tanzen and Weimar’s Bauhaus University.
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Pentatones are:
Delhia de France (Vocals)
Albrecht Ziepert (Keys & Synth)
Hannes Waldschütz (Synth)
Julian Hetzel (Beats)
Surreality (Lebensfreude Rec)
What If (Lebensfreude Rec)
Glowing EP (Lebensfreude Rec)
Ouroboros Remixed # 01 (Lebensfreude Rec)
(Lebensfreude Rec)
Karme Game Retouched by Steve Bug
(Poker Flat)
The Beast EP
(Lebensfreude Rec)
Bonfire EP
(Lebensfreude Rec)
Determiner EP
(Freude am Tanzen Rec)
The Devil’s Hand Remixes
(Lebensfreude Rec)
The Devil’s Hand
(Lebensfreude Rec)
(Jawa Rec)
2015 kam es zu einer Neuaufführung von Faust – Music for Theatre. Im Rahmen des Novalisfestes in Jena wurden die Theaterkompositionen von Albrecht Ziepert neu arrangiert mit der Jenaer Philharmonie und der Band aus der Göttinger Inszenierung Faust! Der Tragödie erster und zweiter Teil gespielt – eine Fusion aus klassischen und elektronischen Klängen.
Photos: Tina Peißker
Jenaer Philharmonie
Marc Tardue
Vocals & violin:
Marie-Kristien Heger
Thorsten Drücker
Keys & synthesizer:
Albrecht Ziepert
Drums & guitar:
Vincent Hammel
Composition & orchestra
Albrecht Ziepert
6th of June 2015
Novalisfest / Jena Paradies
Im Rahmen der Ouroboros-Tour von Pentatones kam es im Mai 2015 zu einer Zusammenarbeit mit der STÜBAphilharmonie. Unter der Leitung von Paul Momberger wurden die von Albrecht Ziepert neu arrangierten Songs im Zughafen Erfurt und in Open Air in Ilmenau zur Eröffnung der Internationalen Studierendenwoche gespielt. Die STÜBAphilharmonie und Pentatones verbindet vor allem die Freude am musikalischen Experiment.
Photos by Dirk Rauscher
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Paul Momberger
Delhia de France
Keys & Synthesizer:
Albrecht Ziepert
Hannes Waldschütz
Julian Hetzel
Orchestra arrangements:
Albrecht Ziepert
30th of May 2015
Zughafen Erfurt
31st of May 2015
ISWI / Ilmenau Stadtpark
This album is a compilation of the musical score for the well-known tragedy “Faust” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. It was composed by Albrecht Ziepert for the theatre production “Faust! Der Tragödie erster und zweiter Teil” directed by Mark Zurmühle (Deutsches Theater in Göttingen) at Lokhalle Göttingen in 2013. It is the result of intense collaboration between Zurmühle and his cast, Ziepert, and the other musicians he involved. The album also acts as a best-of, which documents the ever changing nature of the production during the making and staging of it while the score was performed live each night. The music is inspired by various contemporary genres – especially electronic music.
In 2015 »Faust – Music for Theatre« has been recomposed for a concert with philharmonic orchestra Jenaer Philharmonie, conducted by Marc Tardue at »Novalisfest« in Jena.
Listen to it on soundlcoud:
“Faust! – Music for Theatre” at iTunes
“Faust! – Music for Theatre” at Amazon
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Release date
27th of September 2013,
Lebensfreude Records
2012 kam es zu einer Koopertion zwischen Pentatones und dem MDR Sinfonierorchester. Unter der Leitung von Torodd Wigum spielte das Orchester gemeinsam mit Pentatones die von Albrecht Ziepert neu arrangierten Songs im ausverkauften Centraltheater Leipzig.
MDR Sinfonierorchester
Torodd Wigum
Delhia de France
Keys & Synthesizer:
Albrecht Ziepert
Hannes Waldschütz
Julian Hetzel
Orchestra arrangements:
Albrecht Ziepert
27th of April 2012
Centraltheater Leipzig
(Sinwald – neues Festival für Musik)
preENTER is an audiovisual performance based on live sampling. Playing their instruments live, this ensemble consists of four musicians and two visual artists. Specially developed video and audio-controller create a symbiosis with live-instruments such as double bass, rhodes, syntheziser und sampler. People from the audience can participate in the show by using flat bed scanners that are feeding images to a projector. By scanning themselves the audience becomes part of the visual performance, wich interacts with the music vice versa. The concept of direct interaction between audience, visuals and live music creates an open end-dialogue, symbolizing that there is “No life without interaction”.
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preENTER are:
Delhia de France (Vocals)
Albrecht Ziepert (Keys)
Hannes Waldschütz (Synth)
Julian Hetzel (Beats)
Timm Burkhardt (Visuals)
Ramon Grendene (Visuals)